About the Cast

Jameela Jamil, Host


Jameela is a one-of-a-kind multi-hyphenate. From an English teacher, to a morning show host, radio show host, music show presenter, journalist, DJ, and actress, she's done it all! Jameela can currently be seen starring in Mike Schur’s Golden Globe-nominated series for NBC, The Good Place, where she stars opposite Ted Danson and Kristen Bell.

Read more about Jameela


Joe Gatto, Panelist


Joe Gatto is a man who knows no shame.  The most fearless of the Impractical Jokers, Joe has zero qualms about doing or saying anything the other guys tell him to do, whether it's yelling at the top of his lungs or dropping his nose on unsuspecting strangers.  Loud, in-your-face and goofy, Joe never fails to make a scene or crack people up with his outrageous behavior.


James "Murr" Murray, Panelist


Don't let his beguiling grin fool you; Murr is the evil mastermind of the Jokers.  Cool and calculating, Murr analyzes every challenge to find the easiest path to victory.  His moral compass seems to malfunction often, letting him do and say some of the most embarrassing and offensive things with ease.  If only his conscience didn't pop up at the most inopportune moments to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Brian "Q" Quinn, Panelist


Like a bull in a china shop, Q doesn't care what he tramples on to win the day.  Gruff and rough around the edges, Q doesn't exactly endear himself to strangers, but beneath his abrasive manner beats a big sloppy heart.  Just don't come at him without shaving your mustache, or prepare to suffer the consequences.


Sal Vulcano, Panelist


Here comes Mr. Sensitive!  Easily embarrassed and prone to extreme discomfort, Sal has got a list of peeves a mile long and the other guys love to watch him squirm.  Lucky for Sal, he's always quick with a witty one liner that can defuse even the most awkward situation.  Just don't touch his straw and don't use his lip balm.  He hates that.